Our Services
Non-Destructive Testing
AAT is a FAA & EASA certified repair station that provides expert inspection services in the magnetic particle, and liquid penetrant non-destructive testing methods. Our NDT inspections are performed in strict adherence to manufacturer requirements, industry standards, and all applicable ASTM, API, ASME, AWS and SAE specifications. All inspection services are available at our growing 145 repair station in Grandview.
Certified Level 2 & 3 in accordance with ASNT’s SNT-TC-1A and CP-189 documents, NAS-410 and ATA-105

Fast & Reliable
Materials In Stock
100% In House
100% Quality
Advanced Capabilities
Unlimited Capacity
NDT Methods
At AAT we offer Non-Destructive Testing using the following methods:
Visual Inspection (VI): This is the most basic form of NDT, involving a visual examination of the surface of the material or component. Skilled inspectors use their eyes and often magnification tools to spot irregularities such as cracks, corrosion, or surface defects.
Magnetic Particle – Wet, Fluorescent, Horizontal FWDC Bench and Wet or Dry Portable Yoke. It is especially useful for ferrous materials.
Liquid Penetrant – Fluorescent and Visible penetrant testing in Method “A” and “C” removal techniques.
Note: Each repair is accompanied with 8130/EASA release.
Benefits Of NDT
There are several ways that NDT inspections benefit aerospace manufacturing.
Prevents Accidents: Safety is the top priority in aviation. When NDT methods are practiced at each stage of development, defects and discontinuities in materials can be identified before they become problems that create a need for repair or replacement.
Improved reliability of the component: When defects are identified in earlier stages of development, it reinforces the reliability of a product. Non-destructive testing points out these discrepancies without the need to damage or deconstruct a product or material, unlike destructive testing that requires the destruction of a product to yield results.
Better insights into the repair: While performing non-destructive testing and inspections, potential repair or replacement needs can be identified as flaws and inconsistencies present themselves. Issues can then be addressed promptly as they appear.
Reduced Costs: Flaws or irregularities that fly under the radar during production can lead to expensive repairs and replacements that will cut into an organization’s budget.
Note: Each repair is accompanied with 8130/EASA release.

Call Us For All Your
NDT Needs